wanna go for duty at sports club
cz my mum fetch too early le scare no ppl thr
so i went ciwping house first
when reach her house is ady 7.45am
tat ciwping sumore say wan PANG SAI!! faint..
we suppose reach sports club at 8am
hueiyi keep on sms us ask us go faster cz she wait thr alone so scared..haha
finally we reach thr at 8.15am..haiz
den we wait n wait..bout 15mins stil no ppl so we go ask the guard
ohmy..we go the wrong place.. so got to walk to the field there lo...
during duty,
many things happened (go ciwping's blog c la)
sumore got leng zai (bt is hueiyi said oni...)
den we hav currypuff n chicken rice for our lunch..
after duty
we go ciwping house by amelyn's car
say wan study tgther
bt at last..all zho xiao nia..
too high le..cnt study at all..
act we ady very full
bt when reach ciwping house
we eat again
dono y i so sampat
keep on eat the kicap..siao liao
after tat, go in ciwping's room
ciwping wan bath first
n she wear her POOH hawaii short pants cum out
so cute~~haha
kk..we wan start study le
bt the result is talk non-stop
like machine gun :::::::: haiz...
when talk til sien liao
we find things to eat gain
we hav sausage for our high tea...
i did a silly things in her kitchen...
i saw dis^^^
den saw dis^^^
it ask me to TOUCH mah...
so i touch lo...
mana tau dia keluar air
den i so panic n dono wat to do
the water keep on cuming out
ciwping shock n cum help me TOUCH the button once more
den the water stopped!!
haiz...y me so stupid ya..!! grh!!
kk...nvm le..
den we start to fry our sausage...
not bad la..stil can eat....
after frying sausage, ciwping say wan hav egg...
walao.....so fat d..eat egg sumore...!!
she tot she so expert in frying egg
knock the egg at so high
den when the egg drop into the pan
the oil split out n kena my hand!!
OMG!!! its soooo....PAIN..!!
bt i stil stare at my hand for few seconds oni go wash..haiz
i went her toilet oso
her toilet bowl...
so high tech..dono how to use oso...
ciwping sumore ask me to promote : Coway~~
her mum is one of the agent...
so can find her if interested in buying products of dis brand
after tat we bec to room gain
say wan continue study..
cnt talk le
the result is:
comb hair...n...followed by..
three siao cha bosss...
our combs^^^ the background is ciwping's bedsheet!!
zho xiao~~too high le
^^^dis one zilian eh...
ciwping said dis one sweet..??haha
she sweet la..~~gal..
after tat
my mum came
den i got to say sayonara to dem...tata~~
on the way traffic jam..
sien nia
1 hour oni reach home
den go for tuition
after tuition
suddenly wanna eat mcd sundae (choc&strawberry)
so ask mum go buy
such a nice day..~~#
wah!y u n ciwping wrote until so funny.i laugh non stop..hahax
haha..too funny liao la..
laugh until stomach also pain le la..
so damn funny..
rili nice day..xD
reali a nice n sweet day lor...
to me it is already part of my sweet memories liao...
thx u galz ya..^^
wil rmb dis..
our memories~~
so sweet...
u touch o press?haha
such a siao lala
touch oni
tot for fun
mana tau the water keep on cum out...
siao lala??
wat ler..??
u who ah??
So easy oni u also dunno ah..
First touch is water come out..
Second touch sure is water stop come out la..
Ur spec can wear to achool meh??
y cnt??
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